Content Management Systems

A Brief Overview

A content management system (or CMS) is software that provides an interface to create, edit and otherwise manage the content of a website.

YOU'RE The Expert, Take Control Of Your Content

I'm ready and willing to make any changes for you but let's face it, there's no substitute for the knowledge and experience you can offer by editing your own content directly. What if something changes (trust me it will) and you need to adjust the verbiage on you website? Do want to wait for some web guy to make the changes for you? Nonsense! You already have access and it's as easy as editing a Word document.

Which one do I use?

There are a number of great platforms out there to choose from but I personally like WordPress. It's free, well-supported and easy to use. In addition, it comes with almost unlimited available extras that are all open-source and customizable.

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WordPress - The world's most popular free, open-sourced content-management platform
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